Our working method

This way, the entire process is clear in advance

Discover the steps we take to achieve successful results


Exploratory meeting




Design Phase


Fixed-fee agreements


Implementatie & ondersteuning


Continuïteit & Doorontwikkeling

a man and a woman sitting at a table with a laptop

Exploratory meeting

In an exploratory meeting we will discuss the possibilities for your company, your goals and concrete next steps that are required, without obligation.

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Discuss goals

Once a click has been established we can move on to exactly recording your goals and wishes. Capisoft can use this to start the design phase. This process is still completely free of charge.

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two young men looking at a computer screen

Design phase

As soon as your goals and wishes have been recorded, our design phase starts. We will fully develop your idea visually. This allows you to walk through your new system completely visually, without starting the command.

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our working method

Start Development phase

An insight into what the development phase looks like at Capisoft


Start ontwikkeling

Once you have seen the designs of your new solution and agreed to the fixed price, we will discuss the delivery period and development plans.


Development phase

A pre-planned development ensures peace and clarity. In consultation with your needs, you can track weekly progress in your own test environment.



Na de implementatie blijven we actief betrokken om ervoor te zorgen dat onze technologie blijft voldoen aan je bedrijfsbehoeften en optimaal blijft presteren.  
Door voortdurende monitoring kunnen we snel eventuele problemen signaleren en oplossen, waardoor de continuïteit van jouw bedrijfsprocessen te allen tijde gewaarborgd blijft.

Voor verdere doorontwikkeling bieden we flexibele opties aan. Onze experts blijven proactief zoeken naar manieren om de oplossing te verbeteren en aan te passen aan nieuwe uitdagingen en technologische ontwikkelingen. Op deze manier zorgen we ervoor dat jouw bedrijf altijd kan beschikken over een robuuste en toekomstbestendige technologie-infrastructuur.

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